Trace and Yan Zhang, "The Quantified-Self Archive: Documenting Lives through Self-Tracking Data," Journal of Documentation 76 (1) (2019): 290-316.
#Ischool utexas manual
Trace, "Consumer Evaluation of the Quality of Online Health Information: Systematic Literature Review of Relevant Criteria and Indicators," JMIR: Journal of Medical Internet Research 21 (5) (2019). This manual contains information on requirements, timing, forms, and the like for master’s degree students as you prepare for and complete your required Capstone experience in any of four options: professional experience project (PEP), master’s report, master’s thesis, or school library practicum.

Yalin Sun, Yan Zhang, Jacek Gwizdka, and Ciaran B. Admission to the School of Information MSIS Program requires: GRE Scores: For the Fall 2024 admissions cycle, the School of Information will not require GRE scores as part of the application for the MSIS, dual dregree, and PhD programs. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15(11), e234. The deadline for fall admission is January 15th. The effects of preference for information on consumers' online health information search behavior. Zhangs research interests are mainly within two areas: (1) users perceptions of information systems, particularly web-based information retrieval (IR) systems, and (2) consumer health information needs and information seeking, as well as the design of consumer health information systems. While the iSchool has offered an undergraduate minor option in addition to its graduate degree programs in Information Studies for many years, the launch of the new. Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology, 65(1), 53-68. The School of Information (iSchool) at The University of Texas at Austin is pleased to announce the launch of a new undergraduate degree program in Informatics in the fall of 2021. Searching for specific health-related information in MedlinePlus: Behavioral patterns and user experience. Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology, 65(5), 1028-1041. The School of Information at the University of Texas at Austin was awarded a 623,501 Laura Bush 21 Century Librarian Program grant (IMLS grant number RE-252381-OLS-22) by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to educate and mentor the next generation of Library and Information Science faculty with expertise in artificial intelligence and data science. The evaluation of a Scatter/Gather interface for supporting distinct health information search tasks. Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology, 65(5), 911-927. Research and teaching at the iSchool changes the ways that we interact with information and technology, changes how information can make the world a better and. First author is our post doctoral fellow Robert Bautista, co-authored with iSchool collegue Yan Zhang.

Parts 2, 3 and 4 of the ICRM examination covers the core.

Beyond quality and accessibility: Source selection in consumer health information searching. G-Scholar citations: 5020 h-index: 39 (h-index since 2018: 26) i10-index: 88. A Certified Records Analyst (CRA) is a Records and Information Management (RIM) professional that has successfully passed Parts 2, 3 and 4 of the Institute of Certified Records Managers (ICRM) examination or received credit for the exams via an academic partnership with the Institute.